Personalize Everything Blog

Wherever you are interested in creating your own personalized products, Personalize Everything is here to help. Imagine us as your mentor inspiring you to create and empowering you to take the next step.

With personalized products from PersonalizEverything, you can spoil your loved ones with something special. You can make unique photo gifts for your recipient by uploading their favorite picture. 

When you personalize gifts with PersonalizEverything, the options are unlimited and range from personalized paintings like custom paint by numbers to personalized necklaces with picture inside.

Our featured articles provide deep dives into certain trending personalized gifts topics.

14 Frequently Asked Questions About Paint By Number

14 Frequently Asked Questions About Paint By Number

If you're reading this blog post, it is probable that you are already knowledgeable about the concept of custom paint by number. Maybe you have already attempted it and relished the experience of designing your individual exclusive painting, or perhaps you are contemplating giving it a shot for the first time. Irrespective, it...

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The Real Reason Why You Should Give Handmade Gifts

The Real Reason Why You Should Give Handmade Gifts

Why handmade gifts are better than all the accessories available in the market and online stores? When you are choosing a gift for your loved ones, you always want to make them feel special and valued. Sometimes, selecting the right gift for your favorite person can be very challenging as they have all...

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19 Tips To Get Your Art Noticed

19 Tips To Get Your Art Noticed

Getting your art noticed is a lot like having a blog. You can get it started with a small number of posts, or you can start with a big one. You can go viral with it or start on the slow road to success. It takes time to build up your audience, and...

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What Do You Call A Necklace With A Picture In It?

What Do You Call A Necklace With A Picture In It?

You might have seen them as photo necklaces, picture necklaces, or even photo pendants, but what do you call a necklace with a picture embedded in it? The technical term is locket necklace, a type of pendant necklace. The word “pendant” comes from the Latin word "pendere", which means “hang down” or “project...

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How To Frame Paint By Number Canvas?

How To Frame Paint By Number Canvas?

Designing with paint by numbers is a great way to create art cheaply and quickly. With the help of a designer, you can design your artwork or even create a custom color palette for your store. The only downside is that it takes some time to create all the pieces and assemble them...

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Can Personalize Everything Photo Necklace Get Wet?

Can Personalize Everything Photo Necklace Get Wet?

The answer is no;  Our necklaces can not get wet. They are made of waterproof materials to ensure that your necklace looks great and is in perfect condition, rain or shine. So whether you're swimming in the pool, playing in the rain, or just washing your hands, your necklace will stay safe and...

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How To Choose Your Custom Paint By Number Canvas Size?

How To Choose Your Custom Paint By Number Canvas Size?

Paint by numbers canvas is a great way to add a little creativity to your home decor. They come in various sizes and can be customized with your personalized paint by number canvas. The possibilities are endless, but what size should you get? It is very important to choose the right canvas size for...

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How Do Photo Projection Necklaces Really Work?

How Do Photo Projection Necklaces Really Work?

Jewelry is considered a fashion accessory for completing an outfit. The want to dress up and style your outfits gracefully has increased over the years. Different accessories like bracelets, rings, picture necklaces, and earrings are used to not only uplift but also to enhance the outfits. However, out of these accessories' necklaces have...

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Top 12 Anniversary Gift for Him, Her and Them

Top 12 Anniversary Gift for Him, Her and Them

Are you in search of a great gift for your loving partner? Anniversary is a very special occasion for anyone as it reminds people of their union. It doesn't matter what you are gifting to the person, but the reasons that why you have chosen it for them are important. Anniversary is always...

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69+ Easy Painting Ideas for Beginners

69+ Easy Painting Ideas for Beginners

Have you ever stared at a blank canvas and asked yourself,' hmm, what to paint?' and then rushed on the internet to look up for some things to paint with step by step guide? Don't be disappointed if your painting didn't turn out how it was portrayed on the internet because, let's be...

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